I’m an Open Source developer!

It’s official!

In moving my blog from Blogger to WordPress I took advantage of a little script included with wordpress to transfer everything over easily. I used a modified version that kept the comments (it’s not often I get ’em!). I had a bit of a problem with it, and on reading the comments on the developers blog, I worked out a lot of other people did too.

To cut a long (and technical) story short, I worked out what was wrong by using my usual debugging process.

I’ve posted my findings (and the fix – which actually fixes the problem rather than working around it like the other folks had suggested) on the developers website, along with the wordpress wiki, so it’s official!

I’m now a proper programmer. I can go on to rewrite windows and make it work, and create my own variation of Linux called “HippyNux”. Once I’ve got my phd, that is.

Then I’ll build the worlds first sentient computer, which will take control of all the world military installations and I’ll be single handedly responsible for wiping out the human race in a nuclear holocaust.

Or not.

UPDATE: The programmer has just let me know he’s going to add the fix to the download when he gets the chance. Whee! Fame at last!

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