Reapplying for my job now
At a good-bye lunch for an old and dear coworker who is leaving
the company due to “downsizing,” our manager spoke up and said,
“This is fun. We should have lunch like this more often.”
If I didn’t do the form well enough…..that could be about me. Not that my manager would ever be that insensitive…..
Yeah, he reads my blog – Hi boss!
Hi Jim
Just spotted your comments and found them rather funny!
Can we talk?
I don’t know which “Jim” so I’ll just carry on. Drew, I’ll leave what I said on there. If you don’t want door number 3, then door number one (It has the Amana refrigerator, the dinette and the dishes- and the trip to Cleveland). As I said, I was born happy. I can’t help it. I don’t want to. Finding happiness, even in the worst and most drudgery laden job on earth, is a matter of the quirk of the mind. Being appreciative, even for the fact that no one gave you crap that day, can be happiness. I know. You don’t think I’ve dredged open seweres, dug ditches in February to get at a broken water main, humped steel in august, dug clinkers out of a blast furnace, hauled garbage, cleaned porn movie theaters, shovelled iron shavings out of a machine shop, cut bait on a dragger in November in the middle of the gray Atlantic and high waves and wiped a baby’s ass while at the same time caring for a seriously childbirth injured wife, both of who could have died on me at any moment?. Situations. But, I was happy for what I had and for the chance to keep and nurture. Now I don’t want to get maudlin, and I won’t. If you don’t like yer job, quit. This is America. Find another. Whatever it is. And, dammit, don’t get snotty and picky. To work is a blessing. To be able to gain justice from it is power. Those old Wobblies knew what they were talking about and what they were working hard for.
They were saavy. They knew good. they knew evil. They sang it out. check out the words to “Simply
Wild” and “Drill Ye Tarriers” and “The Lumberjacks Doxology” and “The Big Fool Said To Push On”. Robert Service’s poems, O. Henry’s tomes, Woody Guthrie’s hobo ballads, Pete Seeger’s calls to freedom, justice, happiness and action. And Billy Bragg’s ‘hit you up side of the head’ remender that life is life and that’s what we make of. and we can do a helluva lot better, and don’t be too proud to get dirty.” In all, the basis of these is happiness. Always, happiness is found. Yes, and even at the bar where Drew’s club goes and he makes them happy.