Why me?

Ok, this sort of stuff only happens to me.

While I was waiting to start this new job, I’d applied for another job (in the same company). I’ve just got an interview! So the last day of my first week, I leave work, go home, get on my interview duds and head into Manchester to face a grilling.

And being a Hippy, I told my new manager all about it. It must be said he was very cool. not only did he say “Well done”, but he offered to give me feedback on my interview with him, to improve my chances at this one! And I’ve not even had time to piss him off yet! Now there’s a manager I probably don’t want to leave…….

To be honest this new job would need to be something pretty special to drag me away from the one I’ve just started. Sure it’s got its downside – like the silly hours I have to work so that my youngest isn’t left wandering the streets after school – but it’s what I’ve been after for a while…….

Anyways, it could all be moot if I don’t get this new one. Better get “preparing” for the interview – pass the bottle….


  1. rach says:

    so what’s the new job?

  2. The only loyalty you should have for a company is that which they give to you, which isn’t any. I’m a professional, so its ‘At Will’ employment. tey can dump you on the spot, but, for some odd reason you are supposed to give them a month’s, even two month’s, notice- or they won’t give you a good reference?
    (Who wants THEIR reference. Yuck!) What I do is very important, at least I thought so until a colleague came by and reminded me, “Just because you are indispensible does not mean that you are important.” I discovered why a colleague of mine left a very prestigious, but not well paying, position at a very high rated college; He was wanted and respected, but not really needed. Its like that all over the place. My colleague still had some juice left and joined a pharmaceutical company where he helped develop a very important treatment for a rare disease. They pay him well. There are a few others like him. No one really makes anything about who they are, but they are needed. the place is crawling with people like them. Same at CERN. The ost brilliant, Martian brained geniuses in math, physics, chemistry and types of philosophy work in a rarified atmosphere whre they must speak almost perfect English, dress in clean room overalls, live in bunker-like conditions, roam among machines, wires, super magnets, high tension electricity, noise, glowing substances, shining and rare alloys, radioactive substances and an ample number of socker balls, hackie-sackies, roller blade shoes, golf balls and (saucers?). Computer terminals are everywhere. and there are women. Plenty of them. All serious and no-nonsense physicists, astrophysicists and M-theorists. Most og there by quitting suckoid jobs and joining up. Most don’t get paid much, but fed and housed quite well, thank you. Reminds of folks like Richard Alpert, Timothy Leary, John C, Lilly, Linus Pauling, Wilhelm Reich, Muni Sushuiel Kumarji(physicist and discoverer of why quarks are always in pairs- and first Hindu priest in Indian Parlaiment) and Yehudi Menuhin (world reknown violinist). they Grokked it and set themselves free. I guess that oughta do it.