Happy, but wobbly

Why bother paying for drugs or alcohol (which are the same thing really) when a simple virus can give you all the same effects?

Yes, the Hippy’s poorly. It’s affecting my balance, so I get a free 10 minute rollercoaster ride after making a coffee.

On the up side, I’ve got everything working on my ‘puter now. I’m all linuxxed up. And as everyone around me is investing in Macs (now they can install Windows – makes no sense to me) I decide I’d get the best bits of MacOS on my desktop – without all the licence problems, and for free.

Here’s a busy screenshot and a much emptier one . Oh and the bar at the bottom really does stretch and animate just like MacOSX.

Yes, this is really geeky – but it took me a while to get it right, and I’m proud of it. Besides, daytime TV is only interesting for so long…….


  1. Angel says:

    You’ve not got scarlet fever have you? Tis going round work at the mo and if I catch it I swear I will kill Adam Kay!

  2. HippyJim says:

    Nope, no rashes, or even mysterious lumps. Just a grogginess, soreness/pins & needles in my arms, and dizziness if I move too much.

    I think the technical term is “poorlysick” :mrgreen:

  3. Angel says:

    better than the technical term ‘man sick’ lol

  4. bucky says:

    Daytime TV is NEVER interesting.

    Unless you have a PVR that records the previous night’s TV. Although if you’re off sick, you would have watched them already!

  5. I don’t know how old you are or if you have seen a physician, but I would highly recommend seeing the physician. I’m mot going to diagnose you and any person in Medicine ought to have his or her licence yanked for it, but treating youself well and not using things that will increase stress on your boday while at the same time provides the proper nutrients you need. Sllep is important, but not too much. If you are sleeping signifigantly more than you are used to, call you doctor or get yourself to a clinic if you have socialized healthcare. Usually, joints and muscles ache just because they do, there is something going on. Your body is talking to you. If you are woozy, your gait is unsteady and your balance is poor, that is guranteed serious. any disease entity, no matter what it is, if left untreated, has a tendency to cause great harm and maybe irrepairable damage. Forget the coffee.
    If you smoke, quit now. Don’t drink alcohol. Remember that any drdug that is effective on you can also cripple or kill you, especially if used injudiciously. If you are already taking anything (even marijuana, yohimbe, codliver oil, nutmeg tea, citrus or supplements, aspirin, etc., make sure your doctor knows. Substances interact and some will make reactions strong while others will reduce medical effectiveness to impotence. Rest, but don’t be a layabout. Stay clean. Be very, very good to yourself. Daytimetime TV, as all of us hippies know, is death. TV itself is a wasteland and brain sucker.