Spam, spam, spam, spam…..
Dratted spammers. I foolishly left the “image verification” off comments on my blog, which let a whole load of spammers attack that last post.
I’ve removed the comments, although the link to the alternative therapies was very useful (not).
The cyber-pest that annoys me almost as much as malware (viruses spyware et al) is spam. Unsolicited adverts plastered all over your email inbox, advertising things you really don’t want. Do they think it’s gonna drum up business? NO WAY! Most people I know refuse to read spam, and delete it straight away. They certainly don’t visit the spamvertised website, or buy the spamvertised product as a result. I won’t even if it’s something I REALLY want, on a matter of principle (but then, I’m a stubborn bugger).
I reckon we should start some kind of pledge – “We the undersigned hereby foreswear purchase or usage of each and every product that is advertised using aggressive, underhand or invasive methods, such as spam, pop-up adverts designed to trick the user, and misleading and confusing advertising of any kind. We also swear to discourage everyone we know from using the same products, and send complaints to the heads of all companies concerned.”.
We could be the Coalition Undertaking to Nullify Timewasting Spam.
Whadd’ya think?
Thats one of the reasons i like wordpress, any comments left containing certain words get deleted straight away all others have to approved by me first 🙂
Jim, have you ever bought anything from a spam email?
Nope, not ever bought anything.
Not no how.
No sireee.
Not me.
Unless I have, and I’ve forgotten about it – which is very likely….