To cool?
I’ve had a comment about the “too cool for IE” logo at the bottom right. To be honest, I’m not even sure how many non-ie visitors I get.
What do you think? Do you look at this site in a “standards compliant” browser? Do you get to see the little logo? Do you like it?
Answers on a postcard – in the comments box.
Your feedback may result in changes to this site – how’s that for interactive?
i use mozilla so i agree with the sticker lol
IE7 is what I use because my isp likes it and so does my Windows XP. But I’ve got Mozilla, Firefox and a copuole of others. Mozilla/Firefox is great. Too fast. Got Google. So many goodies. IE just sits there and does its big, kludgy job. Its like a loveable old Bassett Hound sitting at my knee. Firefox is like a Jack Russel Terrier. Mozill used to be that darned intrusive monkey that thought anyone using a computer was lonely as the Maytag hound. It has evolved into a really great thing. Opera, merely a search engine, ‘coulda been da champ and not just a bum, which it is now’. when you start getting more Linux and BSD participants you will see other isps. (Right now Verizon, IE and most of the others don’t support this new breed. Verizon indeed does love Linux and Firefox, I think, is ready and willing. As for UNIX it goes where it wants and really doesn’t have time for the Lumpen Proletariat. I’ve gotten this buzz from a Hypernet dude I know in Bremen. He says Bundespost is going for compatibility because of all the international traffic and may now be using Linux (SuSe, Kylix—)ops for its servers. Gotta check that out. (But where do I get the time. If one is organised, there is always time.) Keep the stamp. Its really a Welcome Mat.