Career advice
“Oh, you hate your job? Why didn’t you say so? There’s a support group for that. It’s called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.”
–Drew Carey
Hippy is as hippy does
“Oh, you hate your job? Why didn’t you say so? There’s a support group for that. It’s called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.”
–Drew Carey
So, Drew. You hate your job? Please leave quietly by Door Number 3. I’ve alsways loved some aspect of each job I’ve had. I tried to make each one find by either being innovative, becoming a union steward, a foreman, a supervisor or just being a naughty devil and dirty trickster. I left all of them. Ratted on a few of them to the Gov. for their societal and social indescretions. Sometimes. I just got palin silly. Other times I p;yed with my bosses’ heads, much to everyone’s (my fellows’) delight. did some good things and tried to make it easier on the crew. (The eliminationa of drudgery is a fine goal. There are many ways to help with this.) My Momma said I danced out of her womb. I was a happy baby. A lot of stuff made me angry, sad, mad, depressed and ‘low and begotten’. but I always found a way to get happy. Thge only time I ever really loathed a job was not the job, but the fashion in which I was doing it. Simply could not accomplish the intellectual tasks assigned me in the precribed and timely manner. I went to see my doctor and he sent me to another one. they both told me to quit my job and “don’t work at a job again.” Now that DID bum me out. I had spent umpteen years in school competing at an almost maniacal level and studying and doing my ass off for endless hours and endless days under horrendous pressure to get my august appellation. Then, stump broke.
Tests didn’t look any better. I could read them and I myself didn’t like their results. Didn’t want friends treating me. Went to strangers; the best. but, somehow, I’m happy and I don’t hate anything.
What I do as my free organised time is great. I’m happy. Is it work? Sure. anything that enriches and keeps a person active and healthy, and has responsibilities of production attached to it,- is work.
If you hate yer job, Quit and do something else. (Patient: “Doc, It hurts when I do this.” Doc: “Don’t do that.”)